Friday, May 15, 2009

SBY Wants Central Bank Governor as Vice President

Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono intends to pick central bank governor Boediono as his vice presidential candidate, a senior Islamist politician allied to Yudhoyono's Democrat Party said on Tuesday.

"It's Boediono. This is a preliminary notification," said Zulkieflimansyah, deputy secretary-general of the Prosperous
Justice Party (PKS), adding that the PKS was being informed as a coalition partner of Yudhoyono, Tuesday (12/5/2009).

"This is just a notification from SBY to his coalition partners. PKS's formal response is still being discussed. We
are discussing it today," he added.

Marzuki Alie, secretary general of the Democrat Party declined to confirm the comments, saying it was up to the
president to decide and announce the candidate.

Boediono, 66, is a well-respected technocrat who has held a number of high-profile jobs in the cabinet and central bank during Indonesia's crisis years and subsequent recovery. Considered a steady hand, his selection would likely be welcomed by financial markets.

Yudhoyono's Democrats won a fifth of the votes in parliamentary elections on April 9, paving the way for him to
seek re-election in the presidential polls on July 8.

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SBY Wants Central Bank Governor as Vice President Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: andhiart ab


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